I am indebted to the work of Ihsan Bagby and his research team for the following information. This blog will explore the concept of American mega mosques, examining their rise as significant religious, cultural, and social hubs. It will discuss why the mosque landscape is changing, compare the effectiveness of megachurch evangelism, and delve into these institutions' administrative changes and evolution. Through this analysis, we will understand the broad impact of mega mosques on their communities, their strategies for fostering community engagement, and their role in the evolving dynamics of American society.

This blog will address the following:

  • What is an American Mega Mosque?
  • Why is the Mosque Landscape Changing?
  • Why Evangelism by Megachurches Will Be Far More Effective
  • Administrative Changes in the Mega Mosque
  • The Evolution and Impact of American Mosques

What is an American Mega Mosque?

A mega-mosque is a large, multifaceted Islamic center that serves as a significant religious, cultural, and social hub for its community. Comparable to megachurches in the Christian tradition, mega mosques serve thousands of worshipers and are typically located in metropolitan areas with substantial Muslim populations. These institutions offer many services and programs extending well beyond traditional religious functions.

Borrowing from the Megachurch Model

The American mega mosque concept has integrated several successful strategies from the megachurch model. Megachurches, known for their contemporary worship experiences, comprehensive programs, and community-focused approach, have demonstrated how religious institutions can effectively engage and support large congregations. Mega mosques have adopted similar strategies, including:

  • Charismatic Leadership: Mega mosques often have dynamic and engaging leaders who are effective communicators and visionaries.
  • Modern Facilities: Like megachurches, mega mosques have state-of-the-art facilities, including prayer halls, schools, gyms, event halls, and more.
  • Diverse Programs and Services: Mega mosques offer various programs catering to different age groups and interests, from educational classes to social services.
  • Community Engagement: Mega mosques and megachurches actively engage with their communities through outreach, interfaith dialogues, and social justice initiatives.

Purpose-Built Structures

Many American mega mosques are purpose-built, meaning they are specifically designed and constructed to serve the multifaceted needs of their communities. This contrasts with the earlier trend of converting existing buildings, such as churches or schools, into mosques. Purpose-built mosques typically feature architectural elements reflective of Islamic tradition and are equipped with modern amenities to support various activities.

Why is the Mosque Landscape Changing?

According to Ihsan Bagby, the American mosque is relatively new to American society, with 87 percent of existing mosques established since 1970. In the 1960s, two significant events occurred: Muslim immigrants began arriving in large numbers after the 1965 immigration law changes, and African Americans started converting to Islam during the era of black consciousness and black power. Both first-generation Muslim immigrants and first-generation African American converts began establishing mosques as expressions of their faith.

Assimilation theory suggests that immigrants and their children will eventually integrate into American culture, moving away from their traditional culture. This process happens over generations as each generation adapts to the larger society. Assimilation is a two-way street where outsiders seek acceptance, and the dominant culture accepts them.

In his book "Assimilation in American Life," Gordon explains assimilation in two stages: acculturation, where immigrants adopt the core culture's values and practices, and structural assimilation, where they become part of the societal network. When structural assimilation happens, American society accepts the group as mainstream.

Acculturation includes two components: intrinsic traits (religious beliefs, ethnic values, historical language, and a sense of a shared past) and extrinsic traits (dress, manner, and English usage). Gordon believed extrinsic characteristics would be the first to change, followed by intrinsic traits once structural assimilation occurs.

Building Community

Mega mosques play a crucial role in fostering community and belonging among their members. By bringing together large numbers of people for worship, education, and social activities, they help form strong social networks and support systems. Community cohesion is strengthened through regular events, potluck dinners, and group activities encouraging interaction and solidarity.

Ministries and Services

Mega mosques offer a wide array of ministries and services to address the diverse needs of their congregations. Some of the key offerings include:

  • Educational Programs: Mega mosques provide extensive educational opportunities, including Quranic studies, Arabic language classes, Islamic history courses, and weekend schools for children.
  • Youth Programs: Recognizing the importance of engaging younger generations, mega mosques offer youth programs such as sports leagues, leadership training, and social activities.
  • Family Services include marriage counseling, parenting workshops, and family-oriented events that support and strengthen family bonds.
  • Health and Wellness Programs: Mega mosques promote health and wellness through fitness programs, health screenings, and educational workshops on nutrition and mental health topics.
  • Social Services: Many mega mosques provide social services such as health clinics, food distribution, counseling, and job placement assistance.
  • Charity: Mega mosques are deeply involved in charitable activities, collecting and distributing funds (zakah and sadaqah) to support needy individuals and community organizations.
  • Women’s Programs: Mega mosques increasingly focus on providing inclusive and supportive environments for women, offering programs and activities specifically tailored to their needs.

Why Evangelism by Mega Mosques Will Be Far More Effective

Comparison with Early Muslim Leadership in the U.S.

The evolution of leadership within American mosques provides a valuable comparison to highlight the effectiveness of mega-mosque evangelism. When the Hart-Celler Act of 1965 allowed Muslims to relocate to America, the initial Muslim community was lay-driven with virtually no imams. As mosques were established, the imams who led them were often educated in Muslim-majority countries and were not American-born.

Over time, a new group of English-speaking imams with limited accents emerged. However, they were still educated to be an imam outside the U.S. Recently, there has been a push for American-born imams, with mosques working to develop accredited seminaries to create more sophisticated strategies for Muslim life and dawa in the U.S.

Despite these efforts, U.S. Evangelical seminaries lag behind those in the UK and Australia in preparing students to engage with Muslims both apologetically and polemically. The greatest weakness in American seminaries lies in their fundamentalist past, which often focuses on defeating arguments rather than engaging thoughtfully, even polemically, with different ideas. With their expansive reach and sophisticated strategies, mega mosques are poised to lead highly effective evangelism efforts. Several key factors contribute to their potential success:

  • Broad Reach and Influence:
    • Mega mosques have a vast platform that allows them to disseminate ideas and messages widely. Their extensive use of media, including television, radio, and the internet, ensures that their outreach efforts reach a broad and diverse audience.
    • This ability to reach millions of people far exceeds the scope of smaller mosques, making their evangelistic efforts more impactful nationally and globally.
  • Sophisticated Strategies:
    • Mega mosques often employ highly developed and strategic approaches to evangelism. They invest in understanding their audience's cultural and social contexts, allowing them to tailor their messages effectively.
    • These mosques also use data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of their outreach efforts, constantly refining their strategies to improve engagement and conversion rates.
  • Professional Leadership and Training:
    • The leadership within mega mosques is typically well-trained and experienced in theology and modern communication. This professional approach ensures that their messages are theologically sound and culturally relevant.
    • Mega mosques also invest in their staff's ongoing training and development, ensuring they have the latest tools and techniques for effective evangelism.
  • Comprehensive Programs:
    • Mega mosques offer various programs catering to different age groups, interests, and needs. These programs attract a diverse congregation and provide multiple touchpoints for evangelistic outreach.
    • From youth groups and children’s ministries to support groups and educational programs, these initiatives create numerous opportunities for individuals to encounter and engage with the mosque’s message.
  • Community Engagement:
    • Mega mosques are deeply embedded in their communities and often engage in extensive social and charitable work. This involvement helps build trust and goodwill, making their evangelistic efforts more credible and effective.
    • By addressing their communities' physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, mega mosques demonstrate their faith's practical implications, attracting more people to their message.
  • Use of Technology:
    • Mega mosques leverage the latest technology to enhance their evangelistic efforts. This includes live streaming services, social media outreach, and using apps and other digital platforms to connect with people.
    • The innovative use of technology extends their reach and allows for more personalized and interactive engagement with their audience.

Mega Mosques: A Model for Effective Evangelism

Mega mosques provide a model for effective evangelism through their use of:

  • Cultural Relevance: Mega mosques ensure their messages resonate deeply by understanding and addressing their audience's cultural context.
  • Professionalism: The professional training of their leaders and the strategic use of modern communication techniques enhance their outreach.
  • Technological Integration: Using cutting-edge technology allows for broad and effective dissemination of their message.
  • Holistic Approach: Comprehensive programs and community engagement efforts demonstrate the practical applications of their faith, making their evangelistic efforts more credible and attractive.

Administrative Changes

Full-Purpose Mosques

The concept of a full-purpose mosque extends beyond a place of worship to encompass a community center that addresses its members' spiritual, educational, social, and cultural needs. By offering a comprehensive array of services and activities, mega mosques strive to be the nexus for all types of community engagement.

Developing a Professional Staff

Mega mosques often employ professional staff to manage their extensive operations and services effectively. This includes full-time imams, administrators, educators, and support personnel who ensure the smooth functioning of the mosque’s various programs. Professional management enables mega mosques to maintain high standards of service and efficiency.

Charity and Social Justice

Charitable activities are a cornerstone of mega mosques, reflecting the Islamic principle of zakah (almsgiving). Mega mosques collect and distribute significant funds to support those in need within their communities. Additionally, many are involved in social justice initiatives, advocating for equity and addressing systemic issues that affect their congregants.

Women in the Mosque

The role and inclusion of women in American mosques have been evolving, with mega mosques making concerted efforts to create more welcoming and inclusive environments for women. This includes providing dedicated spaces for women, offering programs and activities that cater to their needs, and ensuring their representation in mosque governance and decision-making processes.

The Evolution and Impact of American Mosques

Contextual Understanding of Islam

American mega mosque leaders tend to adopt a contextual approach to Islam, adhering to the foundational sources (Qur’an and Sunnah) while being open to interpretations that consider modern circumstances and the purposes of Islamic law. This approach, which balances tradition with contemporary relevance, is embraced by 55% of mosques. In contrast, most mega mosques, I’m assuming, reject the literal and extremely conservative Salafi approach, which has largely disappeared, with less than 1% of mosques following this ideology.

Political Participation and Civic Engagement

American mega mosques encourage political participation and civic engagement among their members. They organize voter registration drives, community forums, and advocacy campaigns on important social and political issues. This empowerment helps Muslims actively contribute to and influence broader societal developments.

Positive Perception of American Society

Contrary to some stereotypes, the vast majority of mosque leaders do not view American society as hostile or immoral. Only 18% agree that American society is hostile to Islam, and just 19% agree that it is immoral. This positive perception fosters a more constructive and engaged relationship with the broader community.

Active Community Involvement

Mega mosques are deeply involved in their neighborhoods and cities. Many participate in social justice activities, interfaith educational programs, and community service projects. For example, 66% have a food pantry or food distribution program, 50% are involved in social justice activities, 76% participate in interfaith educational programs, and 59% have been involved in interfaith community service projects.

Social Dynamics Among Immigrants Leading to the Mega Mosque Model

The rise of mega mosques in America is closely tied to the social dynamics among immigrant Muslim communities. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon:

  • Cultural Preservation and Integration: Immigrant communities often seek to preserve their cultural and religious heritage while integrating into American society. Mega mosques provide a space to practice their faith and maintain cultural traditions.
  • Community Cohesion: As immigrants settle in new areas, they often gravitate toward others from similar backgrounds. Mega mosques serve as focal points for these communities, offering a sense of belonging and a support network.
  • Economic Advancement: As immigrant communities achieve greater financial stability, they can fund the construction of purpose-built mosques. These facilities reflect their growing presence and contributions to American society.
  • Response to Needs: The diverse needs of immigrant communities, including education, social services, and spiritual guidance, drive the development of comprehensive mosque facilities that cater to these demands.
  • Generational Transition: Second-generation immigrants often seek to balance their American identity with their cultural and religious roots. Mega mosques offer programs that address these younger generations' unique needs and challenges.


The American mega mosque represents a dynamic and evolving institution that serves as a central hub for religious, social, and cultural activities. By borrowing successful elements from megachurches and adapting them to their unique contexts, mega mosques have become influential agents of positive change. They provide comprehensive services and programs that address the diverse needs of their communities, fostering a sense of belonging and support among their members. Through their engagement in education, social services, interfaith dialogue, and civic participation, mega mosques play a crucial role in enriching the lives of their congregants and contributing to the broader social fabric of American society.


Bagby, Ihsan. The American Mosque 2020: Growing and Evolving Report 1 Basic Characteristics of the American Mosque. 2020.

Bagby, Ihsan. The American Mosque 2020: Growing and Evolving. Report 2 of the US Mosque Survey 2020: Perspectives and Activities. 2020.

Bagby, Ihsan. "Healthy Mosques Hold the Future." Islamic Horizons, vol. 46, no. 3, May/Jun 2017, pp. 36-37.

Bagby, Ihsan. "Make Your Mosque More Welcoming." Islamic Horizons, vol. 46, no. 5, Sep/Oct 2017, pp. 38-39.

Bagby, Ihsan. "Our Model Mosque." Islamic Horizons, vol. 46, no. 4, Jul/Aug 2017, pp. 46-47.

Bagby, Ihsan. "The American Mosque in Transition: Assimilation, Acculturation and Isolation." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 35, no. 3, 2009, pp. 441-456.

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