
Religious Misconceptions

Misunderstandings or incorrect beliefs about religious practices, teachings, or communities, and efforts to clarify them.

Religious Misconceptions

Misunderstandings or incorrect beliefs about religious practices, teachings, or communities, and efforts to clarify them.

Islamic Antisemitism Debate   -   Apr 26, 2024 Addressing the Dangerous Rhetoric on College Campuses and Its Impact on Jewish Students
Addressing the Dangerous Rhetoric on College Campuses and Its Impact on Jewish Students

College campuses across the United States are witnessing a surge in anti-Israel protests, with students forming encampments and demanding their schools divest from Israel. What began at Columbia University in New York has spread to campuses nationwide, from Massachusetts to California and Tennessee to Texas. These protests arise amid the

Middle East Analysis   -   Mar 27, 2024 London, the Most Antisemitic City in the West
London, the Most Antisemitic City in the West

During a speech delivered to the American Federalist Society, Barry Weis, a prominent American journalist, writer, and former NY Times writer, made a poignant observation that resonates deeply with my experiences in London I had on October 7th and October 8th.

Unpacking the BDS Movement: Origins, Controversies, and Impact on Dialogue
Islamic Antisemitism Debate   -   Apr 28, 2024 Unpacking the BDS Movement: Origins, Controversies, and Impact on Dialogue

In this article, I summarize key insights from Cary Nelson's book, 'Israel Denial: Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, & The Faculty Campaign Against the Jewish State' (Indiana University Press).

by Dr. Tim Orr
Latest Articles 13 Articles
Islamic Antisemitism Debate   -   Apr 28, 2024 Unpacking the BDS Movement: Origins, Controversies, and Impact on Dialogue
Unpacking the BDS Movement: Origins, Controversies, and Impact on Dialogue

In this article, I summarize key insights from Cary Nelson's book, 'Israel Denial: Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, & The Faculty Campaign Against the Jewish State' (Indiana University Press).

by Dr. Tim Orr
Islamic Antisemitism Debate   -   Apr 26, 2024 Addressing the Dangerous Rhetoric on College Campuses and Its Impact on Jewish Students
Addressing the Dangerous Rhetoric on College Campuses and Its Impact on Jewish Students

College campuses across the United States are witnessing a surge in anti-Israel protests, with students forming encampments and demanding their schools divest from Israel. What began at Columbia University in New York has spread to campuses nationwide, from Massachusetts to California and Tennessee to Texas. These protests arise amid the

by Dr. Tim Orr
Middle East Analysis   -   Mar 27, 2024 London, the Most Antisemitic City in the West
London, the Most Antisemitic City in the West

During a speech delivered to the American Federalist Society, Barry Weis, a prominent American journalist, writer, and former NY Times writer, made a poignant observation that resonates deeply with my experiences in London I had on October 7th and October 8th.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Middle East Analysis   -   Mar 18, 2024 Why all the Pro Hamas Rallies on Elite Universities?
Why all the Pro Hamas Rallies on Elite Universities?

Dr. Tim Orr In this post, I want to briefly explain what I think is going on right now on our elite college campuses across the country. Why are so many students supporting what amounts to pro-Hamas rallies? You might be asking why I didn’t say pro Palestinian rallies.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Religious Misconceptions   -   Mar 18, 2024 Antisemitism and Supernatural Evil
Antisemitism and Supernatural Evil

Antisemitism is rearing its ugly head once again. One can trace its roots back to antiquity when the Jewish people faced persecution primarily based on religious differences, reflected in the Old Testament in the Book of Exodus.

by Dr. Tim Orr
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