
Interfaith Dialogue

Conversations and interactions between people of different religious traditions aimed at promoting understanding and respect.

Interfaith Dialogue

Conversations and interactions between people of different religious traditions aimed at promoting understanding and respect.

Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 10, 2024 Bridging the Gap: How Evangelicals and Muslims Can Build Meaningful Relationships
Bridging the Gap: How Evangelicals and Muslims Can Build Meaningful Relationships

In today’s world, it’s easy to feel divided by what we don’t understand. Whether it’s differing religious beliefs or cultural practices, the gaps between us can seem too wide to bridge. But as followers of Christ, we’re called to something greater: to love our neighbors

Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 10, 2024 The Power of Tradition: How Evangelical and Muslim Communities Preserve Their Heritage
The Power of Tradition: How Evangelical and Muslim Communities Preserve Their Heritage

For both Evangelical Christians and Muslims, tradition is more than just religious customs; it’s a core part of their identity that shapes their beliefs, practices, and everyday lives.

The Challenges of Khomeini's Vision: Assessing the Impact of Wilayat al-Faqih on Iran
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 13, 2024 The Challenges of Khomeini's Vision: Assessing the Impact of Wilayat al-Faqih on Iran

Governance of the Jurist, sought to fuse religion and politics under the leadership of an Islamic scholar, creating what he believed would be the ideal Islamic society.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Latest Articles 13 Articles
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 13, 2024 The Challenges of Khomeini's Vision: Assessing the Impact of Wilayat al-Faqih on Iran
The Challenges of Khomeini's Vision: Assessing the Impact of Wilayat al-Faqih on Iran

Governance of the Jurist, sought to fuse religion and politics under the leadership of an Islamic scholar, creating what he believed would be the ideal Islamic society.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 10, 2024 Bridging the Gap: How Evangelicals and Muslims Can Build Meaningful Relationships
Bridging the Gap: How Evangelicals and Muslims Can Build Meaningful Relationships

In today’s world, it’s easy to feel divided by what we don’t understand. Whether it’s differing religious beliefs or cultural practices, the gaps between us can seem too wide to bridge. But as followers of Christ, we’re called to something greater: to love our neighbors

by Dr. Tim Orr
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 10, 2024 The Power of Tradition: How Evangelical and Muslim Communities Preserve Their Heritage
The Power of Tradition: How Evangelical and Muslim Communities Preserve Their Heritage

For both Evangelical Christians and Muslims, tradition is more than just religious customs; it’s a core part of their identity that shapes their beliefs, practices, and everyday lives.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Sep 08, 2024 Engaging with Islam: How Evangelicals Can Share Their Faith with Respect and Integrity
Engaging with Islam: How Evangelicals Can Share Their Faith with Respect and Integrity

As followers of Christ, we are called to share the gospel, but how do we do this in a way that is both respectful and authentic? Engaging with Muslims in meaningful conversations about faith requires a combination of genuine curiosity, deep respect, and a willingness to listen.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Islamic Antisemitism Debate   -   Sep 03, 2024 Arab Zionism and the Path to Peace: Reimagining the Middle East's Future
Arab Zionism and the Path to Peace: Reimagining the Middle East's Future

In this reflection, I explore the contours of Arab Zionism, its historical antecedents, and its potential to forge a new path toward sustainable peace.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Aug 31, 2024 Engaging with Muslim Audiences in the Digital Age: A Respectful Approach
Engaging with Muslim Audiences in the Digital Age: A Respectful Approach

As ambassadors of Christ, we must consider how we engage in these dialogues, ensuring that our words and actions reflect the love and truth of Jesus. Here’s how we can foster meaningful, Christ-centered conversations in this digital age.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Gospel Mission   -   Aug 28, 2024 God’s Heart for All Nations: A Reflection on Cultural Awareness
God’s Heart for All Nations: A Reflection on Cultural Awareness

I recently had such an experience during a cultural awareness day that we held. Drawing on Brett Westbrook’s insightful notes, we explored the richness of God’s heart for all nations and how we, as followers of Christ, can better understand and embrace cultural diversity.

by Dr. Tim Orr
Interfaith Dialogue   -   Aug 21, 2024 Can Faith Survive Secularism? A Deep Dive into the Responses of American Evangelicals and British Shia Muslims (Part 4)
Can Faith Survive Secularism? A Deep Dive into the Responses of American Evangelicals and British Shia Muslims (Part 4)

This article delves into the experiences of two distinct groups—American Evangelical women and British Shia Muslim women—exploring how they navigate their religious identities within the broader secular cultures they inhabit.

by Dr. Tim Orr
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