By Dr. Tim Orr

The landscape of generosity is evolving, influenced by the fresh perspectives and unique behaviors of younger generations. In exploring these giving trends, I've gained vital insights for supporting the work God has called me to do, and I’d like to share them with you. Drawing on research from Barna, this exploration reveals how Millennials and Gen Z approach giving, offering valuable insights for anyone looking to understand and engage with these generations.

Understanding these trends helps us recognize the shifting dynamics of generosity and how to contribute effectively. By learning about the giving practices and values of younger generations, we can ensure that our contributions have a lasting impact. This knowledge also empowers us to engage in meaningful conversations about stewardship and generosity within our communities.

Generational Perspectives on Generosity

Recent Barna research has uncovered interesting insights into how different age groups view generosity. Many U.S. adults believe that societal generosity remains steady, but opinions on whether younger generations are as generous as their elders vary widely.

Optimism vs. Skepticism

There’s a noticeable divide between younger and older generations. Over half of Boomers believe that younger generations are less generous, while younger adults are more optimistic. Around 35% of Gen Z and 29% of Millennials believe they are more generous than their elders. This generational split highlights different understandings of generosity, with older generations often focusing on financial donations while younger people emphasize volunteerism and socially conscious spending.

Barna’s "The State of Generosity" project shows that young adults are already making an impact as donors and volunteers, even though their life-stage challenges differ from those of older generations.

Financial Donations

Gen Z lags behind other generations in financial donations, with only 51% reporting charitable giving in the past year. Millennials are closer to the giving levels of Gen X and Boomers, reflecting the financial constraints younger generations face as they pursue education, start careers, or strive for economic independence. Despite these challenges, their commitment to giving remains strong, suggesting their generosity will likely grow as their financial situation stabilizes.


While younger generations may give less financially, they excel in volunteerism. Over half of Gen Z report volunteering in the past three months, outpacing all older generations. Millennials also show strong volunteer engagement, reflecting a shift towards hands-on generosity. This trend reveals a desire to make a tangible difference and connect personally with causes, demonstrating that generosity goes beyond monetary contributions.

Financial Planning and Routine Giving

Young adults are also becoming more financially conscious. Gen Z is particularly likely to have recently planned or evaluated their finances. Additionally, around one-third of Gen Z and Millennials have set up regular nonprofit contributions, indicating a growing commitment to structured giving. While their current financial contributions may be modest, their long-term commitment to generosity is evident.

Applying These Insights to My Ministry

Understanding these emerging trends in generosity among Millennials and Gen Z can significantly enhance how I engage and mobilize these younger generations. Here’s how I plan to apply these insights:

  • Generational Optimism and Engagement: I’ll emphasize the positive impact that young adults can have through their generosity and foster open dialogues that value their perspectives.
  • Volunteerism: I’ll create diverse volunteer opportunities that align with the interests and schedules of Millennials and Gen Z, and regularly recognize their contributions to reinforce the value of their time and skills.
  • Financial Consciousness and Routine Giving: Providing resources on financial stewardship and encouraging automated donations can help young adults integrate charitable giving into their lives more seamlessly.
  • Bridging Financial Constraints: Promoting non-financial ways to contribute, such as volunteering or sharing skills, and fostering a sense of community among young donors and volunteers will highlight a holistic approach to generosity.

Embracing the Future of Generosity

The trends among Millennials and Gen Z suggest a future where generosity is expressed through financial contributions, volunteer efforts, and conscientious living. To navigate and capitalize on these encouraging trends, I've explored a comprehensive resource titled A New Era of Giving: How Millennials & Gen Z Approach Stewardship. This report provides deeper insights into these younger generations' giving habits and motivations.

Key Takeaways

  • Generational Optimism: Younger generations are more optimistic about their peers' generosity than older generations' skepticism.
  • Volunteerism: Gen Z and Millennials lead in volunteerism, preferring hands-on ways to give back.
  • Financial Consciousness: Young adults are increasingly planning and managing their finances, which could lead to greater financial generosity in the future.
  • Routine Giving: Establishing regular giving routines, such as automatic donations, can help young adults integrate charitable giving into their lives more seamlessly.

By understanding and embracing these trends, I can better engage with younger generations and foster a culture of generosity that leverages their unique strengths and perspectives. I encourage you to explore A New Era of Giving: How Millennials & Gen Z Approach Stewardship today and prepare to make the most of these promising trends in generosity.


The future of generosity is bright, with younger generations bringing fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to giving. We can create a more inclusive and impactful culture of generosity as we embrace these trends and adapt our strategies to engage Millennials and Gen Z. This enhances our ability to support the work God has called us to and empowers us to inspire and mobilize the next generation of givers, ensuring a lasting legacy of generosity for years to come.

For more insights and to access the full report, visit Barna’s research page.

Together, let's embrace this new era of giving and make a lasting impact on the Kingdom.

The ideas in the blog are from Barna's research and AI-assisted in writing this blog.

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